İzmir’s Rent-a-Bicycle System, Bisim, is available at a lot of places along the coast, from Sahilevleri to Bird Paradise, like stations and parking lots.
Using your credit card to rent a bike
Follow the steps on the screen of the bike kiosk to get a password, and then go to the parking unit. Go to the parking unit where there is a bike with a green light that never goes out. Press the “Enter” button, type in your password, and then press the “Enter” button again. When the green light starts to blink, first push your bike forward and then pull it back to take it.
When you rent with a credit card, 30 TRY will be blocked per bike.
This fee will be taken away at 23:00 on the day after you rent the bike.
Within this time frame, you can rent again without having to pay another deposit. Please talk to your bank if this charge isn’t canceled within the time frame given above.
IzmirKart is a rental service for the Izmir Transportation System.
First, you need to get the card from an Izmirkart sales point and then activate it at the Bisim office in the Konak Ferry Terminal. If you are under 18, your parents must be with you during this step to activate your account.
When you want to use your card, it must have at least 20 TRY on it. This amount will be sent to a new Bisim account in your name, and the rent will be taken out of it.
If your Bisim account has no money in it, you could go to the Konak office to transfer TRY to your account. Follow the instructions on the kiosk screen and use your credit card to transfer TRY to your account.
When does the Konak office work?
During religious holidays and public holidays, hours may be different.
Every day of the week, from 11:00 to 15:00 and from 15:30 to 18:45
To rent a bike, you can go to the Konak Office and pay for a Bisim membership card. If you rent with a membership card, you don’t have to pay a deposit.
Fee: In 2019, it will cost 3 TRY per hour to rent a bike.
If you rent with a Bisim card, you won’t have to pay a security deposit.
What you need to know?
When you rent a bike with a credit card, the 30 TRY deposit will be returned at 24:00. If you haven’t been refunded, contact your bank.
Between 23:00 and 06:00, you can’t rent a bike with a credit card.
Bicycle Return
You can leave the bikes in the parking spots that have a green light on, which means they are free.
When you park the bike, make sure it is locked by pulling the seat back.
Bicycles that aren’t locked will be counted as not delivered. Use details shall be sent to your mobile phone via text message.
If there isn’t a parking spot at the station where you rent the bike, you can put it in the next station where there is one. You can use the screen on the kiosk to look for a spot to park.
If the bike you rented doesn’t work, you can bring it back to the same station in 5 minutes.